Friday, October 27, 2006

The haze and a not so happy Hari Raya

Been back for over a week now...

Was glad to be back...but the haze really took my breath away...literally...I was coughing until my insides felt so i was in the office..and out of the office...taking some time off so that my colleagues didn't think that I was spreading a most deadly cough to them all...

Somehow being back was fun but...gone was all the independence and solitary loneliness that I had grown so accustommed was back to the...chores and my mom nagging me to do this and to do that at home...when all i wanted to do was stone...

At least i got to spend some time with that was good.

Then hari raya!...yeesh..i wasn't in the mood for any sort of celebration...feeling all lazy and grumpy...but to avoid getting the parents all worked up...i did the dutiful daughter bit and went along my granny's place and to see my two aunts after...

We got back home early which was good...and i got to chill and even go to bed before 12....but my oh my...i had the runs alll morning....spent the entire morning in the loo...from 2-6pm...
clutching my gut praying that i live to see the morning...

I did....and i spent the day in bed after getting my dose of medicine...

Hmm...things did seem certainly more exciting back in Lahore...oh well...its still good to be back.

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