Friday, January 06, 2006


a snobbish introspection into the simple life. my list of thanks, wishes, hopes & dreams. decipher for yourself which are which:

a family that loves and supports me fully. friends that laugh with me. joes that offer me his clean white shirt to cry on. emails from LA asking me how i am. giggles in mersing. movies. alicia. my gombal snuggling up. iman. long walks. delicious crispy prata soaked in dhal. logical thinking. best friends that will cancel everything to be with me when i'm down. green crispy lettuce. babies. iman. hugs from caring souls who think me worthy of being their friend. a PhD. hammocks. long nights chatting. old boyfriends. bright yellow buddhist monk type pants. teh tarek. a great job with travel opportunities. iman. growing old with someone i love. coffee.
ben and jerry's. a pistachio green couch.

i'm feeling better.

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