Thursday, August 10, 2006

ice-cream frenzy

i've been busy....

what's new?

but last week i was busy selling ice-cream...which was an experience that i truly cherish...

you see...i was tasked to head a committee set up to organise an Appreciation Lunch for staff in our organisation...not only did we have to plan the lunch and the entertainment that came with it....i was also tasked with spearheading our organisation's effort to raise money for the President's Challenge 2006.

The target- $8,000.

We sold ice-cream, cookies and our Senior Management sportingly agreed to do really silly things like wear a whipped cream beard and/or dance the hula, etc to raise money.

My favourite was the ice-cream challenge. We had 3 colleagues who pledged to eat a cup of ice-cream for every $10 raised. We raised quite a bit. And my colleagues had to eat 20, 15 and 12 cups of ice-cream each. It was hilarious and it was a lot of fun.

It added much needed cheer and excitement. And guess what? On the lunch itself, we managed to hit our target!

There were several bumps, it was hard work, filled with our blood, sweat and tears...but the end results were certainly worthwhile!

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