Monday, May 15, 2006

soccer fever fever...

spent the morning sleeping till 10...iman woke me up...he was on his way to work the poor soul...i headed to the gym to sweat it out...and then spent the rest of the afternoon lounging with Vikram Seth in search of A Suitable Boy...met Iman at Esplanade...and after dinner while toying with the idea of catching a movie...we decided to join ewan (my 24 yr ol baby brother) and friends who were planning to watch the FA cup final at a coffeeshop in Sembawang...

It was a hysterical night...pumped full of adrenaline...i cheered...gulped down teh tarek...cheered some more...screamed...winced...gulped down even more teh tarek...took a loo break...cussed....cheered...jumped up and down...visited the loo...grimaced...winced...drank more teh tarek...went to the loo some more....until after a nail biting end...cheered Liverpool to a well deserved victory!

Was fun to have Iman around...was fun to spend time with Ewan...(hmmmm they sound almost indistingushable)...what was NOT fun...was looking around the crowd at the table...and realising that i was the oldest living being amongst the group...

2 words! NOT FUN!

i felt ANCIENT! sniff....

anyhow...mosy-ing along...Sunday was good fun though!

we celebrated mom's day i haven't been all that happy with the folks...but quiet minor resentments aside...we're generally a happy lot...and we celebrated with aisyah (my 12 yr old not so baby looking sister) and I whipping up a scrambled eggs, baked beans on toast breakfast...ewan did loads of chores...and i baked a pizza lunch! It was half a side of mince meat and mushrooms... and half a side of hawaiian (my fav!)...made 3 of those babies and quietly put aside some for Iman to taste later last night...

and spent the morning at PSD (Public Service Division of the PMO) giving a talk to a bunch of young interns...and i was duly rewarded for my general wit and funny banter with a beautiful bouquet of flowes....


it certainly perked up my day...i felt sunnier almost immediately...

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