Sunday, September 14, 2008

a sucky iftar

i had a sucky iftar on Saturday. it was an I-man and cousins outing that i was invited to. I was happy to go but not so thrilled about where dinner was going to be held- Amiran's Grill!

Yeesh, i've never really enjoyed the food there, and i hate iftar buffets. The food almost always sucks big time. And i was right. there were at least 50 patrons that night, and the buffet was in a space smaller than my store room. It was such a squeeze getting food, and worse still cos my party was on the second floor, we had to trudge up and down to get food.

Foor ran out even before break fast time, and it took about another half hour before they started to replenish food. One of the I-man's cousin got so impatient waiting for rice, that he popped into the kitchen to ask them to put some rice on his plate. This was almost 40 minutes after the breakfast time!

It was the worst 22 bucks i had ever spent.

The company was great, and we ended up going bowling the rest of the night. Although i was dead tired! but i was glad to go. i had a lot of fun.

check out how stupid my outfit looked with the bowling shoes! har har!

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